As many of you know, it has been an interesting week on the 100 Block of S. Gay Street with two unfortunate incidents occurring. The first, and most serious, was a gas leak into the Commerce Building caused by construction. One of the subcontractors was excavating near the gas line going into the Commerce Building and accidentally pulled on the pipeline causing it to leak inside the building. Thankfully, nobody was injured and little damage done although folks had to be evacuated from the building for a short time. Emergency responders from KPD, KFD , and KUB were all on scene and quickly remedied the situation. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused to anyone over this matter.
The second incident occurred when an individual decided to park his vehicle, temporarily, in our work zone near working equipment. This vehicle, as I understand it, was severely damaged when a piece of heavy equipment inadvertently made contact with it. We have tried our best throughout this project to accommodate folks but always with the caveat that they get permission from the job superintendent before entering the work zone so we could avoid this type of outcome. Thankfully no injuries occurred from this accident either but the vehicle was towed away.
We began the at-grade sidewalk work this week on the eastern sidewalk near Vine Avenue and plan to begin reforming the new sidewalk and having concrete poured here by the end of the week. This work has taken less than a week. The plan, as I understand it, is to begin work on a similar section on the western sidewalk next week. See picture below of this work.
We are continuing to work in the 100 Block of S. Gay Street despite the harsh weather. Below is a picture I took Wednesday morning. It was estimated that around 40 men were on site at that time with a temperature in the 20's.
We have continued to work in front of the Emporium and have made good progress here. The next two pictures show the status of work as of Wednesday.

In order to get to this stage of work, earlier in the week the Contractor had to provide heating for both the concrete and more importantly, the epoxy used around the columns. The temperatures had to be in the 38-40 degree range for 24 hours per the specifications which forced us to use heaters. The picture below is of the temporary roof placed over the underground to help contain the heat for this period.

Thanks to to those who attended our Streetscapes meeting last night. Although attendance was very light, we have always felt like it is important to give folks a chance to ask questions and get a progress report periodically.
Folks are always wanting to know when the project is going to be completed and the Contract end date is still August of 2010. The optimist in me believes we can meet that date for substantial completion and so far the Contract has not changed but please realize that many factors enter in to that equation. My understanding at this point, however, is that at least some elements of the Contract are in dispute. I am hopeful these issues can be resolved amicably in the near future.
Given the weather conditions since we started this project, both record rain and now snow and cold, coupled with all of the project unknowns, I believe we have made very good progress.
I credit our Contractor, Southern Constructors, with our success to date along with the help and coordination of many others.
One of my favorite radio stations, WDVX, is having an event at the Emporium Saturday night called Hillbilly Ball, which was postponed from a previous date.
I first thought it was in my honor since I am originally from Eastern Kentucky, but, alas, it is a fundraiser for them so please visit if you can and help out this wonderful community resource.
I believe the event begins at 6:00pm.
Thanks for your interest.