KUB is also continuing with their efforts to transfer over electrical service to the new installations.
We will resume work at the intersection of Vine Avenue and S. Gay Street beginning Monday. This work will involve extending the sewer line. At least one lane of Vine Avenue should remain open through most of this work.
Since excavation is virtually completed on the 1oo Block, we plan to take down most of the burlap which should visually open back up the block at least.
When this is completed then we plan to move back into Vine Avenue for 2 to 3 weeks which will probably involve a complete closure for a large amount of the time.
The sidewalk work and structural column work will probably begin near the first of September. The Contractor and Engineers are carefully reviewing the plans so we make sure we get off on the right foot with this critical work.
The Contractor plans to temporarily patch that bit of sidewalk which was torn out on the east side of S. Gay Street at the State Street/W. Vine Avenue area.
You may have noticed our "We are Open Sign" has been down lately. Exhibitors Source folks have been working on it to repair wind damage and it should be back up shortly.
It is the time of year for folks to be moving in and out of the various condos and apartments and we have made accommodations for this. If folks will find the Superintendent or a Construction Manager on site, we will probably be able to direct them through the construction site closer to the building entrance.
We are in the preliminary stages of discussing the Jackson Avenue ramp issues and I plan to post more on this as discussions move forward.
Again, I encourage anyone who is interested in the Streetscapes Project or anyone having questions or concerns to attend our meeting on August 11 at 5pm at the Emporium. I plan to have KPD, KUB, City Engineering, CBID, and Contractors there to hopefully answer any questions.
I will post the Agenda early next week along with another announcement.